Remove complexity. Embed yourself within a sovereign ecosystem certified to the highest standards under the Commonwealth Government's Hosting Framework.
Digital systems, infrastructure and the data they manage are mission critical when it comes to organisational success.
With 39% of organisations experiencing a data breach between 2019-2021, keeping up with security in our multi-cloud world is an evolving challenge. And the threat landscape is continuing to mature in terms of frequency and sophistication of attacks.
Today, our physical and cyber environments have merged, and creating a holistic approach to security risk management in the digital era requires strategic thinking and partnerships.
As pressure continues to rise around data protection, an enhanced security risk management posture is best achieved by partnering strategically with a trusted provider to take on the heavy lifting and get you to your ideal state, faster and safely.
NEXTDC has been built on the understanding that experience counts. We take great pride in delivering a phenomenal experience for our customers, every single time, no matter the interaction. In order to achieve this goal, we partner with suppliers who understand our business and our requirement to build well-structured, secure and protected data centres.
NEXTDC collaborates proactively with the world’s leading physical and electronic security systems developers to maintain the highest levels of compliance. These are trusted partners working with us every day to improve our security posture so that our customers’ critical infrastructure and data is always kept safe. From perimeter protection to physical access and electronic surveillance, we deliver a federated security model under an All Hazards Approach that enables a standardised customer experience across all facilities.
For organisations today, security of digital infrastructure must be impenetrable to malicious intent, seamlessly accessible for authorised personnel and operated to the highest standards to avoid human error.
We collaborate with global leader in physical security management systems, Genetec, to achieve a unique, consistent and frictionless customer experience across our entire data centre fleet.
With hosting environments now classified as 'critical infrastructure' under Commonwealth Government legislation, all organisations are faced with heightened compliance obligations around the physical safety and security of their data centres.
NEXTDC partners strategically with world leaders in physical security products such as Gunnebo to implement an innovative defence-in-depth security posture.
Security is all about risk management. In its simplest form, the ‘all hazards’ approach to risk and emergency management means looking at these in a holistic way. You need to identify and understand all possible risks, both natural and human, with the likelihood that each will occur. Security risk management must be an integral part of your business.
At NEXTDC, security risk posture is baked into our core business. It is a fundamental value proposition we bring to market.
Our level of security is optimised to give our customers peace of mind. At the end of the day, we’re working tirelessly to take the complexity out of data storage and security risk, so our customers can focus on what they do best.
NEXTDC’s choice of security and protection measures, will continue to reflect evolving changes to the security risk environment. Core to all strategic decisions is the understanding that we need to guard the integrity of customer information in our care. Infrastructure hosted within NEXTDC facilities is protected by strict physical security systems and protocols.
NEXTDC partner with security consultants from Security Consulting Group and others that are endorsed by the Australian Government Security Construction and Equipment Committee (SCEC). This helps define our:
The approach is based on the understanding of data centre infrastructure and operating environments. It has been developed in conjunction with global best practice security risk management standards and frameworks.